Script Blog
Scene 1(Both characters at home, texting each other)
Character 1: I wanna go somewhere, let me text Kayla and see if she wants to meet up.
Character 1(texting): You wanna meet up?
(cut to character 2)
Character 2(texting): Yea! See you soon
Non-diegetic sound: A bright soundtrack
Lighting: Common indoor lighting
Scene 2(At the park)
Character 2: You throw horribly!
Character 1: Not as bad as you kick!
Characters continue playing and kicking
Character 2: Do you wanna eat?
Character 1: Yea let’s head to the store, I heard there’s a sale today
Non-diegetic sound: same soundtrack
Lighting: Bright daylight
Scene 3(Characters leaving a convinience store, calmly walking home)
(Wide shot of store and surrounding area)
Character 1+2 exit store while waving by at the cashier.
Character 1: I’m glad they had a discount today. Usually these are so expensive.
Character 2: Yeah, honestly we got lucky.
Character 1: I’m going to head home, what about you?
Character 2: I’ve got a game to head to, but I’ll walk with you.
Non-diegetic sound: Happy, but still calm music.
Lighting: Golden hour(sunset)
Scene 4(Characters walking home, then character 1 is murdered)
Character 1+2 turn around to see what’s causing the sirens, a cop car is shown
Character 2 reaches for their cellphone
Character 1 is shown slowly backing away, and then a shot is heard
Character 2 is shown bleeding out on the floor.
Character 1 runs from the scene.
Non-diegetic sound: For the first half the same happy music, then it goes silent when the cop car is shown, switching to a song to be chosen, but it will fit the mood
Diegetic sound: sirens and ambient sound
Lighting: A darker sunset, purple sky(possibly edited in)
Scene 4(The day after the incident)
Character 3: Hey how are you? (character continues speaking, but fades out)
Character 1 is shown staring blankly in the distanc
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