Editing blog B
Hi, Kayla here. So, today was part two/ b of editing day. So to start off the editing process today I was trying to see if I could possibly blur out the back in the video once again. Just like last time I got the same result with it. It blurred the background but also couldn't focus on me so I was also blurred. So, I have officially given up on that and just going to let the background stay the way it is. My partner and I discussed if we should change our editing platform. The discussion was made and the editing platform was changed. I searched upon OpenShot and Clipchamp. My partner and I ultimately decided on using Clipchamp. I watched as my partner learned how to use the app and then started editing. I did put in my two cents when I realized that my pattern was trying to split-screen our shot. I asked if she didn't still have the split screenshot from when we used the previous app. After a while of looking for it which ended up having to download back the old app/ original app that was being used for editing originally to split-screen he shot.
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