Horror Genre Research Conventions

HORROR BLOG(Title: Horror: Genre Conventions Research)
Film examples:
• Countdown
• It
• Halloween
Low angle-to show who's the weaker characters
High angle-to show who's the stronger character
Over the shoulder shots- to show a conversation between each other
Two shot-to show the interaction between two characters
Three shot-to show interaction between three characters
Wide shot- to establish a flowing scene
Tracking shot- to create a mood that someone is following you
Close ups- to show the characters terror emotion
Costumes-the costumes of the main antagonists are really scary and iconic(such as masks)
Make up - same thing with the make it goes hand and hand with the costume helping boost the scariness points
Props-goes hand and hand with costume and make all have to align with the main antagonist and protagonist
Setting-aligns with the story line of the movie
Fades to different scenes
Inserts to emphasize objects or places
Powerful non-diegetic sound effects to increase fear
Diegetic sound (floors creaking, metal scraping, characters screaming)
Soundtracks are reserved for the least scary parts
An element that has potential is the suspense when the killer is near with over shoulder shot showing what the killer is on the hunt on, mostly created from the sound, diegetic and non-diegetic. An element that is not as interesting is the setting of the calming scene and going to in depth with the backstory, mostly regarding the mis-en-scene.


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