This Is Me

Hello, my name is Kayla Ferguson and this is my introduction blog for the final task. I am originally from Jamaica and spent the first 6-7 years of my life there. Football is a very important passion of mine along with Law. More specifically criminal law, I don't have the same passion for civil. I would say it's due to the lack of in mystery civil. Music is also another passion of mine along with poetry. I love music by artist that have a deeper meaning. I was a very active child. I grew up doing swiminf from a very young age. I ran track and field, played basketball, Flag football, and so many other sports and activities. I would say that I am a very layed back person.  Throughout the duration of this course I have learned a lot, discovered and dig deeper into my creativity. I have definitely discovered just how far my creative ability is. Whether we use those ideas that I have come up with or not, I have produced some amazing ideas. I definitely know more about the process in which a film goes through to be made and get distributed to the general public. I now know how to edit a film and all these other things. The process of going about making these films personally for me is a very fun and educational experience. I have learned so much in this course that has made my passion get even bigger. This is a little about me. I am very excited for the final task. 


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