Production Blog-Filming

Hiii, Kayla here. So, my group and I discussed how long our shots need to be. This was due to my counterpart who will be in the video with me has completed their clips. The clips that we have so far when reviewing were a little over the time that we had anticipated going in once it was all added together. It wouldn't really matter because I have to match the time that was done by my counterpart in the video. A big part of the concept of the video is that we are simultaneously going through essential the same struggles in a yes so similar but different way. So, I would have to match his pace anyway. I also, discussed with them the clips that I already did. I said I was going to re-shoot them because of the fact that none came out the way that it was supposed to come out. I did get home later than usual today so there was a bit of a set back for attempting to film once again. So,  what I did when I got home was this... I didn't place my phone on a stack of books this time but placed it in front of me at an angle. So, I filmed one of the shots of me sitting at my desk doing my work. This one didn't come out as bad as the others. There were a few attempts at this seeing as my phone was being supported but my desktop and next to it was my Playstation. I did not get the overhead shot completed seeing as I had no assistance. But, I will try to get that done as soon as I can with assistance. Speaking of Playstation I did make an attempt to place it on the stand I have in my work station in my room nd then film that shot. So, while filming that shot my cellphone kept falling because I put it behind a binder. The binder that I placed it behind didn't support it well at first seeing as it was one of the really big ones...but it was one you could carry. So, to solve that I placed 2 of my notebooks behind it as well. So I did get the shot of me with the remote in my hand and the Playstation along with the background of my bedroom. The only issue was that it just didn't capture my TV which is mounted a little high which is due to my height on the wall. So this was a trail and error but I did capture a shot so that was great. 


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