Filming Blog

Hello, Kayla here. This post will be regarding what I did today while filming the commercial. I am the actor for my team. The 1st scene that was shot in the commercial was of me walking towards the desk from the blue tile and take out the original pen from my back pants pocket. That will actually be the second scene in the commercial. The next shot filmed of me was more focused on the packet that was a prop that I was "writing" in. This shot was more focused on the original pen not actually writing/ working as I began my "work". I began to shake the pen as if to get it to work. The next shot which is actually two different shots that will become a split-screen to the previous shot I mentioned will gauge my reaction to the pen not working properly and my body language and actions are really going to show my confusion. The next shot gauges my frustration with the pen. This is when the commercial brings in the joy ink pen. I am then offered a red ink joy pen by a...